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Huron University College (韦仕敦大学休伦学院)

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Huron at Western University is completely unique to postsecondary institutions in Canada – creating educational experiences that prioritize ethical leadership and community engagement, as much as the pursuit of academic achievement.

Huron offers undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science and the Faculty of Theology, as well as graduate programs through the latter. In the spirit of producing globally-minded citizens, Huron is furthering its integration of character-building and civic responsibility into programs that offer the traditional advantages of the liberal arts. This means students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the modern marketplace’s unpredictable landscape.

Huron is the founding institution of Western University. For more than 155 years, Huron has delivered an elite, yet accessible university experience that builds upon its legacy of industry leading alumni. Huron’s affiliation with Western gives Huron students full access to Western’s facilities, clubs and athletics programs. Huron students earn a Western degree with a Huron distinction, while benefitting from the one-on-one mentorship only Huron’s large faculty-to-student ratio can provide.

Huron empowers Leaders with Heart from all backgrounds, including the historically underrepresented, by providing significant financial support based on both merit and circumstance. The university remains strategically small to nurture the individual gifts of every conscientious student who wants to build a career that balances professional success with meaningful contributions to society.

To more fully achieve its vision of breaking down barriers between students and the communities they want to serve, Huron has started the construction of a 3,700-square-meters academic building. It will serve as the heart and hub of campus life and includes a 450-seat theatre for performance and civic engagement, as well as a Student Activity Centre, Welcome Centre and various state-of-the-art learning environments.

Huron University College: International Students Application

Huron University College: Frequently Asked Questions

Huron College at Western Website

International Admissions and ESL requirements and programs

Residence Info/application

1.  Introduction to Huron College University



2.  What is it like to live at Huron College University?



3.  Virtual Tour of Huron College University



4.  Tips for International Students




作为哈佛大学商学院HBS Online在安省的唯一合作院校,Huron的学生们除了校内的充分教学资源,还有机会参加国际化的教育项目,拓展自己的眼界与人脉。同时,Huron非常强调社会实践,确保所有专业的学生100% 带薪实习,并根据学生需求个性化定制,使实习最大程度转化为工作经验。

我们相信人文教育对学生的引导,配以高度的个人关怀和个性化发展空间,培养出德才兼备的 Leaders with Heart。据统计,三分之二的 Huron 毕业生在他们的职业生涯中已经拥有企业/政府部门高层管理及以上的职位,其中不乏首席执行官、总裁、政府官员和企业家等。我们教育的目标不仅是同龄人中的佼佼者,而是致力于推动社会发展的领导者。